Where do I find the customer selected gift options?

Finding the customer selected gift options in the Shopify Admin.

When a customer places a Shopify Order with Wrapped gift options included, the order will arrive in your Shopify Admin as any normal order would.

These orders are automatically tagged: 🎁 Gift Wrap

Order attributes (via Cart-List extensions)

This information will appear on the right side of the order page in the Shopify Admin, under "Notes" and "Additional Details":

Shopify Order details page showing Order Attributes (right side column)
Shopify Order details page showing Order Attributes (right side column)

Line item properties (via Cart-Line + Product page extensions)

This information will appear below each product title on the order page in the Shopify Admin:

Shopify Order details page showing Line Item Properties (under each item)
Shopify Order details page showing Line Item Properties (under each item)
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